Do you feel that sometimes when you look around, there is a lot to see but little to observe?
Our project focuses on the social norm of violating public or private properties through installation of posters and how this year after year has become a trend in Bangladesh.
Posters hanging on cables, plastered across walls, nailed to trees and even posters on posters were our primary focus on this project. Our visuals try to describe the severity, enormity and odd nature of poster clustering.
This project falls under social norms due to the causality factor.
At a time, only newspapers were plastered onto the walls for better reach to the audience. But marketers took hint of it, and since then poster clustering has been commonplace. With posters being hung up at every hook possible, it certainly becomes a concern when every hook possible becomes every hook used.
Our conscience may dictate us to heed the law and dispose of these violating posters instead of putting them up. However, for some people the walls are their canvases for to-let and tuition ads who pay zero acknowledgement to legal ownership. This loop, created by years and years of miscommunication and lack of proper laws obstructs the scenic beauty of the country to unfold.
We certainly hope, visualizing this issue, will help people understand the endless spiral of poster clustering.